【同义词辨析】 2019-08-13 包括include-imply

include: suggests that the thing contained forms a constituent, component, or subordinate part of a larger whole: the price of dinner ~s dessert.   (contain容纳包含,表示实际存在implies the actual presence of a specified substance or quantity within something,如the can contains about a quart of oil罐中装了一夸脱油,名词content内容) constituentcomponent都表示组成部分,constituent强调本质构成的部分essential and formative part还表示选区选民,派生词constitution宪法,component中文是组件,强调独立可分辨的部分separate and distinguishable part,如able to identify every component of his firearm他可以识别枪支的每个组件,在2018-01-19组成element-factor组中

comprehend: implies that something comes within the range or scope of a statement, definition,or concept: his notions of manners ~s more than just table etiquette.  (这里rangescope都是范围,其中range通用=extent,scope特指有限预设的范围implies a predetermined and limited area of activity that is somewhat flexible within those limits,如as time went on, the scope of the investigation widened随着时间推移,调查的范围逐渐扩大)

embrace: implies a reaching out and gathering of separate items into or within a whole: her faith ~s both Christian and non-Christian beliefs.   reach out伸手去拿

involve: suggests an entangling of a thing with a whole, often as a natural or inevitable cause or consequence: a procedural changethat will ~ more work for everyone.  entangle缠住套住if something entangles itself with another, the two things become caught together very tightly,如the blade of the oar had entangled itself with something in the water船桨的桨叶和水里的什么东西缠住了,entangle的第二个意思是involve表示牵连使卷入陷入,如he became entangled in a series of conflicts with the management 他卷入了与管理层的一系列冲突之中,如she didn't want to get entangled (即emotionally involved) with him她不想与他有瓜葛)

imply: otherwise close to involve, suggests that something's presence can be inferred with more or less certainty with a hint: smoke often ~ies fire.   infer推断是reason推理的结果,表示推断"出结论"   hint暗示提示征兆迹象少许少量

include包括: 表示被包含事物构成了整体的成分部件下属,comprehend包括: 表示被包含事物属于声明定义概念范围,embrace包括采纳拥抱: 形容好像伸手收集各部分放入整体,involve涉及牵扯: 表示使牵连使卷入,如作为结果或原因,imply必然包含、表明: 指可以根据迹象征兆等推断

记忆方法: 1)首字母ICEII 想成II ICE两块冰<==包括两块冰

        2)包括的意思是整体包含部分mean to contain within as a part or portion of the whole.